Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blessed.....beyond measure.....

1. Lucky is having a friend that will give you a hug and say "You poor thing." Blessed is having a friend that will kick you in the rear and tell you to "Deal with it."
2. Lucky is a friend that tells you to call if you need anything. Blessed is the friend that calls you at 1am because she knows you need to talk.
3. Lucky is having a friend that knows you don't feel good, and tells you that you look good, no matter what. Blessed is a friend that will fix your hair and do your makeup, because she loves you too much to let you be seen looking as bad as you feel.
4. Lucky is having a friend that you can call if you are in trouble. Blessed is having a friend that keeps an envelope of cash in the back of her sock drawer. Because she knows that should a certain person ever say the wrong thing on the right day....she's going to need to bail you out of jail. And she's ready.
5. Lucky is having friends to compare war wounds with. Blessed is having a friend whose battle scars are carbon copies of yours. Because she's fought every fight you have. Side by side.
6. Lucky is having a friend show up with a carton of ice cream and two spoons. Blessed is having a friend who looks you dead in the eye and tells you that you better not wreck your diet over the latest bump. And she means it.
7. Lucky is having a friend that will stand next to you while you make a complete and total fool of yourself in public. Blessed is having a friend who darts out to bring the car to the door. She knows you can handle yourself just fine. But when you are finished making an absolute rear of yourself in front of God and will be time to get the heck out of dodge.
8. Lucky is having a friend tell you that she's praying for you. Blessed is having a friend sit with her arms wrapped around you while you scream at God...knowing that if He strikes you with lightening, she's going with you...but she refuses to let you hurt alone.
9. Lucky is having a friend that encourages you to get some rest. Blessed is having a friend that gives you her last sleeping pill and tucks you into bed. Knowing everything will look better on the back end of 12 hours of sleep. And then she stays to fold your laundry. Because she's just awesome that way.
10. Lucky is having a friend that will overlook transgressions for the sake of the friendship. Blessed is having a friend that will fight with you. Loudly. Because what you have matters too much to let stuff go unresolved.
11. Lucky is having a friend who will sit thru hours on end of you trying on clothes, trying to find just the right thing. Blessed is having a friend who jimmies the dressing room door lock and intervenes in a situation going downhill fast...saving you from yourself...and the frightening pile of jeans....
12. Lucky is having a friend tell you that she hopes your day gets better. Blessed is having a friend show up and tell your kids to get in her car. Because she knows that otherwise, the day doesn't stand a chance.
13. Lucky is having a friend that will support you, no matter what. Blessed is having a friend that knows when she needs to step in and take mattters into her own hands...because even though your heart knows what needs to be done, your head just can't make the rest of your body cooperate.
14. Lucky is having a friend tell you "life isn't fair." Blessed is having a friend who gives you her last pair of big girl panties. And holds your purse while you put them on.
15. I am blessed...beyond measure.....

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