Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I can bring home the bacon...fry it up in the pan....

Don't judge me. I know it was wrong. But I bet everyone has done it at least once. I know you've thought about it.  Although, I was pretty bold. Was just asking for trouble. I should have waited until no one was around. Or headed to a less travel part of the store. But I was so tired. And so rushed. And so far away form the back of the store. So I did it. Right there on Action Alley. I already had two boxes of raisins at home. I didn't need a third. So I was putting it back. I was trying to be so careful to make sure no one was watching. While I put it next to the apple juice. Or was it Velveeta? I really couldn't say. I was too busy waiting for sirens to sound. And undercover security guards to surround me. All while my image flashed across the WalMart tvs. In every store in the country. Why does that make me so nervous? They pay people to straighten the store. My actions were job security for someone. And besides, none of the employees ever knows where the merchandise is at in the store. I was just helping them to become more familiar. I'm sure that not even 15 minutes later some little old lady stopped some young clerk, wanting to know where the raisins are kept, and he was able to tell her exactly. All because of me. So why do I still feel so gulity? I blame Joyce Meyer. Always preaching about how Chrisians should be sure and return their shopping cart to the little stalls in order to be a good witness. But I do. I always return my cart. And never block the aisle while I visit. And never eat grapes while shopping. So why did that clerk look at me so rudely? And that woman shopping. Like  she always walks all  the way back across the store. And the cashier. I know she knows.  Not returning items to their proper place is minor...which is what I keep telling myself....that, and I promise to straighten 3 racks in the clothing department next time I shop....

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