Thursday, July 14, 2011

Would you like a spoonful of peanut butter, Mr. President?

435 Representatives, 100 Senators, a President, and a Vice-President....unable to balance a budget. In my mind, this is completely and totally unacceptable. How many people this past April sent the IRS a note...."Sorry, we are having to default this year on our taxes. My spouse and I just can't seem to agree on how to work out our budget for the year." Or how many have left an "IOU" at the gas pump...or sitting on the grocery shelf...No one. It would be considered stealing, and you would be punished. As managers of our households, we have to make the amount of money we have work. That means hard decisions. At times, agonizing decisions. But that's part of being a grown up. You do the hard thing. You tell your kids..."We're having scrambled eggs for dinner. And for a special treat, I might put some cheese on them"....or, "Mom, what's for lunch? Get a spoonful of peanut butter, sweetie" You eat beans and cornbread until you fear a bean sprout is going to come out of your nose. You turn off the cable, and internet service, recognizing those things are not necessities. Trips to the movies halt. The thermostat is set on 80 degrees, and clothes are put on the clothesline to keep the electric bill at a level you can pay. You do the hard thing. And you survive.
I think its time our government officials took a time out. Treat them like the petulant children that they are. I would love to see many of them get a good old-fashioned thrashing, but in this day of political correctness, I realize that's not going to happen. So send them to a fancy painted chair, preferably monogrammed with their initials (so as to protect their self-esteem) and tell them to sit and watch. Then send a "right" and a "left" housewife from each state to Washington, and give them the August 2nd deadline. I'd being willing to wager that they would all be back home by the end of next week... because by then, someone will be out of clean underwear, and that laundry is not going to do itself.

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