Thursday, July 14, 2011

One of those days....

Its just been one of those days. I should have seen it coming. My hair cooperated all too well this morning. A sure sign that the rest of the day was going down hill. I spoke a tad too sternly in the car this morning, but wanted to scream and yell. Maybe I should have-gotten it out of my system. Instead, I worked to grin and bear it all day. Finally made it to 4:00-Wednesday is a close-early day (Yay!). Came home, determined to redeem the day....

The kittens learned how to climb WAY UP HIGH today. I'll spare you the majority of the details, except to say there are clear (read: impossible to see until you step on them) marbles EVERYWHERE. I don't even know why we have the marbles in the first place. (or why we have the kittens, for that matter.) They also found several spools of thread. Which they played with while chasing marbles...can you imagine the spider web obstacle course throughout the house???

I finally found my way to the oven. The roast was going to be balm for our souls tonight. Or rather noon tomorrow. Which is the soonest it will possibly be done. Plan B: chicken and rice casserole. Easily thrown together. Still putting a home-cooked meal in front of my Bs...then I realized it looked the situation and had forgotten to add the rice. Mixed in the rice using a plastic fork. Don't ask why that was my utensil of choice. Okay. Ask why. Like I have any pride left in this day. There were only four regular forks clean. Didn't want to have to wash one before we ate. Will throw everything in the dishwasher after dinner. As if I'm the only one too lazy to wash a single fork. Anyway, I am using the plastic fork. Which then breaks while I'm stirring in the rice. (Yes, I was taking some of the day's frustrations out on the little tiny grains)

So. Needless to say, someone's bite of nourishment tonight will come complete with a prong of a clear plastic fork. THat's right. I couldn't find it, and I finally quit looking. Chew carefully, girls. Whoever finds it gets to do the dishes.

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