Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Evidently, the dog has found an exit route from the back yard...

Evidently, my merchandise will be here sometime soon...after it's unplanned trip to Japan. It is currently being detained at customs, making sure nothing glows....

Evidently, banging the cell phone on the counter doesn't break also doesn't make the display panel work, either....

Evidently, the nice lady did get my order correct at the drive's just in a different container....but for the record, most of my body can in fact fit through the window at the local Taco Bell....

Evidently, I look almost 30 in my outfit....and for some reason, my Bs thought that was a compliment.....

Evidently, I still had bronzer on my hands when I touched up my now it looks like I've been playing in the dirt....but its all going to be okay, because I just got an email as to the details of Kate Middleton's beauty it turns out, I'm just 12 steps away from finding my Prince Charming...

Evidently, there is a sales rep holed up in the World Trade Center who thinks I am stupid enough to order some of his precious baby clothes, that evidently every other store blows out of their store, and he can't believe I haven't already gotten on board with....yet he doesn't want to quote me a price...I checked my driver's license...I"m waaayy over 30... not buying what I don't know the price of....

Evidently, a spider fell from the ceiling and almost ate my daughter's eyeballs this morning...good grief...everyone knows that the only creatures that can in fact eat your eyeballs are frogs, lizards, and of course...dead fish floating in the fish tank...come on, girls. Toughen up...

Evidently, I have super powers to know exactly what the weather is going to be like on Easter....but to be safe, everyone should buy both a cool weather and warm weather ensemble...just in case my powers fail me....

Evidently, the cat has tape worms....I'll save you the specifics....

Evidently, I'm just not believing hard enough...otherwise, my day would be going just peachy...thank you, Mrs. Meyer... I knew there was some sure fire formula out there that I just wasn't tapping into....

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