Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I can bring home the bacon...fry it up in the pan....

Don't judge me. I know it was wrong. But I bet everyone has done it at least once. I know you've thought about it.  Although, I was pretty bold. Was just asking for trouble. I should have waited until no one was around. Or headed to a less travel part of the store. But I was so tired. And so rushed. And so far away form the back of the store. So I did it. Right there on Action Alley. I already had two boxes of raisins at home. I didn't need a third. So I was putting it back. I was trying to be so careful to make sure no one was watching. While I put it next to the apple juice. Or was it Velveeta? I really couldn't say. I was too busy waiting for sirens to sound. And undercover security guards to surround me. All while my image flashed across the WalMart tvs. In every store in the country. Why does that make me so nervous? They pay people to straighten the store. My actions were job security for someone. And besides, none of the employees ever knows where the merchandise is at in the store. I was just helping them to become more familiar. I'm sure that not even 15 minutes later some little old lady stopped some young clerk, wanting to know where the raisins are kept, and he was able to tell her exactly. All because of me. So why do I still feel so gulity? I blame Joyce Meyer. Always preaching about how Chrisians should be sure and return their shopping cart to the little stalls in order to be a good witness. But I do. I always return my cart. And never block the aisle while I visit. And never eat grapes while shopping. So why did that clerk look at me so rudely? And that woman shopping. Like  she always walks all  the way back across the store. And the cashier. I know she knows.  Not returning items to their proper place is minor...which is what I keep telling myself....that, and I promise to straighten 3 racks in the clothing department next time I shop....

Friday, May 6, 2011

And I think to myself....what a wonderful world....

 I've seen lots of babies this week. Lots of itty bitty, teeny tiny, brand new babies...and lots of mommies fixing to have babies. Yesterday, I was blessed to be able to hold one of them. She is the newest member of our family. And was only hours old. And so teeny, I seriously thought about putting her under my sweater and making a run for the door. Her cry sounded more like a kitten meowing than a baby crying...certainly not the hair-raising cry I remember from my Bs. I changed her diaper, swaddled her up tight, and stole all the sugar I could from her....and let my mind wander all the way home....

My first B was 5 hours old before I saw her. And because of a horrible delivery and recovery, for weeks, all I could do was hold her. And then, only if she was brought to me. I wasn't allowed to pick her up or carry her. Family had to do everything else. Seriously. She was 2 weeks old before I even changed her diaper. The twin Bs were 5 days old before I held them. They were taken to Children's Hospital immediately after being born. Their dad ask the NICU team to roll their bassinet by my bed before they left, and that glance was all there was for 5 days. Again, because of my complications-I couldn't make the 2 hour trip to see them. I thought I would lose my mind while I waited to meet my babies...

So, to hold this precious one while she was so new, and to be able to do just a little to take care of her, was such an honor. And almost overwhelming, was the emotion of holding a beginning. Her whole life is before her. And really, her parents' whole life is before them. This is the beginning. The possiblities are absolutely endless. The whole book of pages is waiting, to be written in. I think that is so exciting....she is nothing but hope, and wonder, and innocence...and potential. Her parents, her family, love her more than she will ever know. We love her parents. We are here as her story is written, to share the colors to help fill in, and shade the illustrations of her lifestory....

But what about the rest of us? What about those of us who are way more than a few hours old...is it too late for our story? Is our book all but filled in, with an ending that could be predicted by anyone?.....No. Never. If you are letting the Master Storyteller and Illustrator be the author of your story....we are told in Lamentations 3:22-23 that "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  I've written before about this verse. It is one that I cling to on a daily basis. See, my story hasn't quite read like I planned for it to, when it is looked at on a page by page basis. But, because of who my Author is....chapter by chapter, my story reads of compassion, and mercy, and God's faithfulness. And this, this is my prayer for our family's newest member. That she will grow knowing the Master. And that His hand will freely write her story.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Twinkle, twinkle little star....

1. I wish that magically, trash cans didn't stink, toilet bowls didn't get dirty (eww), and dust bunnies didn't form.
2. I wish that I could apply bronzer without streaking in highly visible areas...
3. I wish that sarcastic comments didn't pop into my head when other people talk. Because sometimes the thoughts come out of my mouth...but then again, shouldn't someone address the stupidity in the room??
4. I wish I wasn't so cynical about human nature. Maybe then I wouldn't feel the need for so much sarcasm...
5. I wish the green tomatoes on my back porch would hurry up and turn red. I also hope that this year when I fight itty bitty for them, I win at least occasionally.
6. I wish the dog would quit eating unspeakable things in the yard. His breath is NASTY.
7. I wish yoga wasn't currently so painful that it causes me to question everything good and pure.
8. I wish I knew where in the tarnation fruit flies came from.
9. I wish I knew where tarnation was.
10. I wish I hadn't seen the man walking down the street carrying a fishing pole and a handgun. I understand the possible principle: when fishing, one may see a snake, and all snakes should be shot....but really, it just made me nervous.
11. I wish I was more successful at guarding my heart. But total isolation is, well, lonely....
12. I wish I only needed 4 hours of sleep each night. I need 8. Ask my Bs.
13. I wish those who have influenced my life knew just how much I love them,
14. I wish that just once in my life, I could wake up to a cup of coffee by my bed. It seems like that would be pretty darn close to heaven.
15. I wish I could bubble wrap my family. So nothing ever hurts them. Especially nothing that is a result of my words or actions...or anyone else's words or actions.
16. I wish I had a videotape of everything I see on Main Street. It humors me...
17. I wish that teeny tiny redheaded little girl will grow up knowing just how much I love her. I'm not even sure why I do...I just do....
18. I wish supper was being cooked right now. Without dishes being dirtied.
19. I wish changing the oil in the car was never necessary. I keep forgetting...
20. I wish I could wear a beautiful hat all day every day. Good hair days are so few and far between.
21. I wish it was June 1st...Froot Loop, this has been a long two years.
22. I wish I could get the theme song of  "The Andy Griffith Show" out of my mind. Or learn how to whistle.
23. I wish warmer weather didn't mean lizards, and worms, and frogs, and having to constantly be on guard to things eating out my eyeballs.
24. I wish I wasn't so claustrophobic. But I am. BIG TIME.
25. I wish my invitation to the Royal Wedding hadn't gotten lost in the mail. I hope the family didn't feel too snubbed.
26. I wish I would have known 18years ago what I know today. Heck, I would settle to know 5 years ago what I know today.
27. I wish I wouldn't have told myself  I was going to come up with 30 of these things.
28. I bet you wish you hadn't ever clicked on the link...there's a piece of your life you will never get back...
29. Your husband wishes you would get off facebook and come to bed already...
30. I wish everyone a Happy Evening! or Night...or Day...whenever you are reading this...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who let the dogs out??......

It is always a cause for concern when I can hear the dogs barking the moment I step out of the car. Tonight, they were WILD. I could barely get the door opened because of their bouncing. I stepped inside, and shoved them outside. They love to go out. I just couldn't get them to focus long enough to get them out the door. It was at that point that my heart started to sink. Wrappers, and cardboard, and foil... everywhere....the little angels found the Bs Easter candy and had a HAY-DAY. Whole rabbits are gone. (white chocolate...no chance of poisoning) Laffy Taffy-swallowed whole. Or I assume. Couldn't find any in their teeth. Sweet tarts, and peeps, and heaven only knows what else. Two LARGE yellow labs on the sugar high of a lifetime...Seriously. I've never seen a dog zip around the yard or living room like these two. The female literally bounced from couch to loveseat to recliner without ever touching the floor. I called the vet. He said they would live. But to go ahead and pull out the carpet cleaner because their tummies were not going to be good sports. Suggested I give them both a dose of Pepto to ease the situation. (Have you ever tried to give an animal a dose of Pepto?? What looks like a teeny tiny bottle will somehow end up on every fabric surface in the house, down the front of your blouse, and in the vegetable crisper of the refrigerator.) So. I've taken away their food. Ran them around the yard...although my sweet little boy is still so wired that he has one ear standing STRAIGHT UP while the other on lays nicely against his head...and now we wait....to see what the rest of the night....brings us....