Friday, May 6, 2011

And I think to myself....what a wonderful world....

 I've seen lots of babies this week. Lots of itty bitty, teeny tiny, brand new babies...and lots of mommies fixing to have babies. Yesterday, I was blessed to be able to hold one of them. She is the newest member of our family. And was only hours old. And so teeny, I seriously thought about putting her under my sweater and making a run for the door. Her cry sounded more like a kitten meowing than a baby crying...certainly not the hair-raising cry I remember from my Bs. I changed her diaper, swaddled her up tight, and stole all the sugar I could from her....and let my mind wander all the way home....

My first B was 5 hours old before I saw her. And because of a horrible delivery and recovery, for weeks, all I could do was hold her. And then, only if she was brought to me. I wasn't allowed to pick her up or carry her. Family had to do everything else. Seriously. She was 2 weeks old before I even changed her diaper. The twin Bs were 5 days old before I held them. They were taken to Children's Hospital immediately after being born. Their dad ask the NICU team to roll their bassinet by my bed before they left, and that glance was all there was for 5 days. Again, because of my complications-I couldn't make the 2 hour trip to see them. I thought I would lose my mind while I waited to meet my babies...

So, to hold this precious one while she was so new, and to be able to do just a little to take care of her, was such an honor. And almost overwhelming, was the emotion of holding a beginning. Her whole life is before her. And really, her parents' whole life is before them. This is the beginning. The possiblities are absolutely endless. The whole book of pages is waiting, to be written in. I think that is so exciting....she is nothing but hope, and wonder, and innocence...and potential. Her parents, her family, love her more than she will ever know. We love her parents. We are here as her story is written, to share the colors to help fill in, and shade the illustrations of her lifestory....

But what about the rest of us? What about those of us who are way more than a few hours it too late for our story? Is our book all but filled in, with an ending that could be predicted by anyone?.....No. Never. If you are letting the Master Storyteller and Illustrator be the author of your story....we are told in Lamentations 3:22-23 that "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  I've written before about this verse. It is one that I cling to on a daily basis. See, my story hasn't quite read like I planned for it to, when it is looked at on a page by page basis. But, because of who my Author is....chapter by chapter, my story reads of compassion, and mercy, and God's faithfulness. And this, this is my prayer for our family's newest member. That she will grow knowing the Master. And that His hand will freely write her story.

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