Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Who let the dogs out??......

It is always a cause for concern when I can hear the dogs barking the moment I step out of the car. Tonight, they were WILD. I could barely get the door opened because of their bouncing. I stepped inside, and shoved them outside. They love to go out. I just couldn't get them to focus long enough to get them out the door. It was at that point that my heart started to sink. Wrappers, and cardboard, and foil... everywhere....the little angels found the Bs Easter candy and had a HAY-DAY. Whole rabbits are gone. (white chocolate...no chance of poisoning) Laffy Taffy-swallowed whole. Or I assume. Couldn't find any in their teeth. Sweet tarts, and peeps, and heaven only knows what else. Two LARGE yellow labs on the sugar high of a lifetime...Seriously. I've never seen a dog zip around the yard or living room like these two. The female literally bounced from couch to loveseat to recliner without ever touching the floor. I called the vet. He said they would live. But to go ahead and pull out the carpet cleaner because their tummies were not going to be good sports. Suggested I give them both a dose of Pepto to ease the situation. (Have you ever tried to give an animal a dose of Pepto?? What looks like a teeny tiny bottle will somehow end up on every fabric surface in the house, down the front of your blouse, and in the vegetable crisper of the refrigerator.) So. I've taken away their food. Ran them around the yard...although my sweet little boy is still so wired that he has one ear standing STRAIGHT UP while the other on lays nicely against his head...and now we wait....to see what the rest of the night....brings us....

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