Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Twinkle, twinkle little star....

1. I wish that magically, trash cans didn't stink, toilet bowls didn't get dirty (eww), and dust bunnies didn't form.
2. I wish that I could apply bronzer without streaking in highly visible areas...
3. I wish that sarcastic comments didn't pop into my head when other people talk. Because sometimes the thoughts come out of my mouth...but then again, shouldn't someone address the stupidity in the room??
4. I wish I wasn't so cynical about human nature. Maybe then I wouldn't feel the need for so much sarcasm...
5. I wish the green tomatoes on my back porch would hurry up and turn red. I also hope that this year when I fight itty bitty for them, I win at least occasionally.
6. I wish the dog would quit eating unspeakable things in the yard. His breath is NASTY.
7. I wish yoga wasn't currently so painful that it causes me to question everything good and pure.
8. I wish I knew where in the tarnation fruit flies came from.
9. I wish I knew where tarnation was.
10. I wish I hadn't seen the man walking down the street carrying a fishing pole and a handgun. I understand the possible principle: when fishing, one may see a snake, and all snakes should be shot....but really, it just made me nervous.
11. I wish I was more successful at guarding my heart. But total isolation is, well, lonely....
12. I wish I only needed 4 hours of sleep each night. I need 8. Ask my Bs.
13. I wish those who have influenced my life knew just how much I love them,
14. I wish that just once in my life, I could wake up to a cup of coffee by my bed. It seems like that would be pretty darn close to heaven.
15. I wish I could bubble wrap my family. So nothing ever hurts them. Especially nothing that is a result of my words or actions...or anyone else's words or actions.
16. I wish I had a videotape of everything I see on Main Street. It humors me...
17. I wish that teeny tiny redheaded little girl will grow up knowing just how much I love her. I'm not even sure why I do...I just do....
18. I wish supper was being cooked right now. Without dishes being dirtied.
19. I wish changing the oil in the car was never necessary. I keep forgetting...
20. I wish I could wear a beautiful hat all day every day. Good hair days are so few and far between.
21. I wish it was June 1st...Froot Loop, this has been a long two years.
22. I wish I could get the theme song of  "The Andy Griffith Show" out of my mind. Or learn how to whistle.
23. I wish warmer weather didn't mean lizards, and worms, and frogs, and having to constantly be on guard to things eating out my eyeballs.
24. I wish I wasn't so claustrophobic. But I am. BIG TIME.
25. I wish my invitation to the Royal Wedding hadn't gotten lost in the mail. I hope the family didn't feel too snubbed.
26. I wish I would have known 18years ago what I know today. Heck, I would settle to know 5 years ago what I know today.
27. I wish I wouldn't have told myself  I was going to come up with 30 of these things.
28. I bet you wish you hadn't ever clicked on the link...there's a piece of your life you will never get back...
29. Your husband wishes you would get off facebook and come to bed already...
30. I wish everyone a Happy Evening! or Night...or Day...whenever you are reading this...

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